NICE is a non-profit organization... connecting communities
Upcoming Events
Bollywood Dance Competition "Best Of Best 2015" - Date: SUNDAY JUNE 7, 2015 @ 2:30 PM - 7 PM
Tickets: $20, $30, $40, $50, VIP
Performing Arts Center
155 Robbinsville Edinburg Road
Robbinsville, NJ 08691
WOMEN’S WORLD FORUM - - Co Sponsored by NICE Inc.
Following low cost - to free services soon to be scheduled on regular basis or on as need basis: - - Eye care Clinic (once a month)
- Dental care
- GI (Gastroenterology) Service
- Other primary care and specialty care have expressed interest in join the N.I.C.E. CLINIC,-will be soon announced.
Republic Day Program - Republic Day Program Saturday nearest to January 26 every year Republic Day Program Saturday nearest to January 26 every year
Republic Day Program Saturday nearest to January 26 every year Republic Day Program Saturday nearest to January 26 every year